Christmas Movie Pics

Daft Punk at O2 Wireless Festival, cropped fro...

Image via Wikipedia

Again, as I said in earlier posts, my pics are entirely biased on my obsession with great action movies and VFX. Well, not entirely…… Most of the time. I like actually good movies too. But lets move beyond that, shall we.

  1. Tron: Legacy, of course. Go and see this one if only for the soundtrack. Daft Punk does an outstanding job of capturing the overall feeling of the VFX in this flick. The music is almost a character in and of itself. The other thing that I liked was that the first 15-20 minutes or so of the movie are in 2D, and then abruptly shift into 3D as we move into the of The Grid. Anyone remember something similar to The Wizard of Oz?
  2. True Grit– I’m gunna go out on an limb and say that this one will be a good one. I’m not a “real” movie reviewer, so I haven’t seen it yet. Remakes always make me a little iffy as to how it’s going to turn out, but the fact that the Coen Bro.’s got not just Matt Damon and Josh Brollin, to be in this and topped it off with Jeff Bridges makes me feel a lot better about how it’ll turn out. I mean, this is a remake of one The Duke’s best works. I’d spend the money to go and see this one.
  3. The Fighter– This looks like one of those ‘overcoming adversity to get to the top of a chosen sport’ flicks. But from some of the reviews and trailers that I’ve seen, it looks more gritty than that. Look for a quarky and an unintentionally unsupportive supporting set of characters. That is what will make this movie go.

As for my pics, that’s all I’ve got patience for right now. Let me know if you genuinely agree with my pics. ‘Till next time.

~ by Daniel Crowder on December 19, 2010.

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