Pepsi Co. Says That HFCS Tastes Diferent From Sucrose

Coca-Cola Logo.

Image via Wikipedia

This knowledge is already known unto me, as I am a conossier of soda in all it’s forms, though I prefer Coca Cola to them all. Here is an experpt from the article:

Without getting into the hotly debated topic of whether or not HFCS is any worse for consumers than sucrose, the rep did say that people are buying the real-sugar products for a variety of reasons: “Some consumers prefer sucrose for taste reasons, others for nostalgia reasons or because they think of it as a more natural sweetener option,” she said.

For my part, all I have to say is that HFCS is a giant racket here in the U.S. Just go look at your food containers and see how much actually has it as an ingredient. Sugar is the healthier option. But for all of my jabbering about what foods you should eat and how to loose weight, you might just be just as well getting golf-swing instructions from Charles Barkley.

Here a few articles discussing the issue from boths sides.

~ by Daniel Crowder on October 27, 2010.

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