Utah Elections; Stuff I Thought Was Cool

For lack of better content ideas, I just wanted to go over a couple of things that were on my mind concerning the elections coming up here in Utah. For the most part, it seems kind of dull. The only race that a lot of people might say is the most interesting election anywhere is the 2nd district race between Morgan Philpot(R) and Jim Matheson(D). But I’m going to go out on a limb and say that for those of us in Salt Lake County, that’s not the race that should be on our radar. What we need to be concerned about is our local County Council race. Holly Mullen(D) and Richard Snelgrove(R) are running for one of two At Large seats; depending on who wins the seat could see a significant swing in tax policy and building project management here in SL County. The $300 million convention center hotel plans could still be brought to bare, and in my mind it’s conceivable that property taxes could either see an increase or decrease county-wide in the next year.

-Stuff I thought was cool or stupid this week-

~ by Daniel Crowder on October 24, 2010.

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