Ahmadinejad Makes Veiled Threats Against U.S., Israel

President of Iran @ Columbia University.

Image via Wikipedia

For the last few days, the U.N. has been holding a number of meetings which means  means Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President is here in the U.S. He has made some outrageous statements that some, including myself, could take as a threat of war.

But the most offensive part of Ahmadinejad’s propaganda offensive was his veiled threat of launching terrorist attacks against the United States if Iran’s nuclear weapons program is attacked.  ”The United States has never entered a real war, not in Vietnam, nor in Afghanistan, nor even World War II,” the Iranian leader told American reporters when asked about how Iran would react to a U.S. military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities.  He warned that: “War is not just bombing someplace. When it starts it has no limits.” Ahmadinejad’s blustering reinforced previous Iranian threats to target Americans in retaliation for an Israeli attack.  At the same time, he denied that Israel would dare to attack Iran, saying dismissively:  ”The Zionist regime is a very small entity on the map, even to the point that it doesn’t really factor into our equation.”

You can read the whole article here.

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~ by Daniel Crowder on September 23, 2010.

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