Corporate PAC’s Are Giving More $ To GOP Candidates This Year

I don’t know whether it’s because larger companies feel like the GOP is going to gain a majority in both houses this year or that they want them to do so, but corporate political action committee‘s are shifting toward giving more of their contributions to the Republicans this year, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The change in corporate PAC giving is the latest sign Republicans are likely to make significant gains in November’s midterm elections. Business PACs are notoriously cautious in deciding which party should receive a majority of their donations. They nearly always give most of their contributions to candidates whose political party is in power on Capitol Hill.

According to data from the Center for Responsive Politics, business PACs gave 52% of their $72.2 million in total donations to Republican candidates from January through July.

I tend to have conflicted feelings on this new report. On the one side, I’m all for a free market, letting companies do what needs to be done(ethically speaking of course) to turn a profit. On the other hand I’m really concerned at how much influence big companies can have on the congressmen and senators that We The People elect.

Follow the link over and decide for yourself.

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~ by Daniel Crowder on September 21, 2010.

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