Term “Tea Party” Draws Strong Reactions

Boston Tea Party.

Image via Wikipedia

I was just strolling through some websites I haven’t been to in a while and came across this new Rasmussen poll. It describes how the term “Tea Party” is viewed throughout the political spectrum.

Conservative” is still the most positive political label you can attach to a candidate. But voters now have stronger reactions—positive and negative– to the Tea Party label than they do to the more traditional labels.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters finds that 70% say their opinion of a candidate would be influenced by the Tea Party label.

If a candidate is described as a “Tea Party member,” 32% see that label as a positive, while 38% hold the opposite view. That’s a net rating of negative six, making it less positive on balance than calling someone a conservative, moderate or progressive.

~ by Daniel Crowder on September 20, 2010.

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