Geeky Week

Fry's Electronics store in Downers Grove, IL

Image via Wikipedia

Of late I have been very busy with work, plus other geektastic pursuits. Let me fill you in. You will be entertained and perhaps enlightened.

The first is that since I had a vacation last week, the last two or three weeks I have been working crazy hours in order to get moved to “full-time” status at work. I need the health insurance, so it wasn’t that big of a deal for me to have to work that much to get it. Plus now that I’m officially a full-time employee at my place of work, my schedule seems to have normalized a bit, giving me the advantage of getting the longer shifts, and thus not having to travel so far for short appointments(I do Home-Health Care). So that is a plus. I guess I could have stayed on my parents insurance, but there’s no time like the present to start becoming more independent.

Let me fill you in on my vacation because it to do with what I’ve been occupying my time with.

I flew down to SoCal for the Labor Day weekend to see my younger brothers who work down there. For those of you who may be familiar with some of the cool retailers in California, you may have heard of Fry’s Electronics. They easily beat out Best Buy as the best big-box tech retailer even though the stay in Southern California. To make a long story short, I found a screaming deal on a Lenovo G555 laptop for about $340. It’s one of the better computers you can get for the under $500 price range.

Star Trek Original Series title letters.

Image via Wikipedia

I got to thinking right after the purchase that I needed to take advantage of my new-found increase in entertainment power, so I went out and got Star Trek: Online. It’s an MMO and I realize that one can be sucked into those pretty quickly, never to return in some cases. However, it’s the fulfillment of a desire to have the Star Trek universe at my fingertips. So now you know what’s been keeping  away from politics and other things that matter more in life. Sometimes one just needs some Star Trek and a good computer to get things done. Anyway, here and here are some pics and walpapers from the game. You may just be interested enough to play.

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~ by Daniel Crowder on September 13, 2010.

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