Honest Review: Dinner For Shmucks

Paul Rudd at Hollywood Life Magazine’s 7th Ann...

Image via Wikipedia

I’m going to venture and guess that most of you saw the previews for Dinner for Shmucks and thought in to yourself that it really looked stupid. How did it make into the summer lineup? Well, I’ll answer that for you: It was freakin’ awesome!

I’m not embellishing anything, just so you know as you read through my thoughts about this movie. It almost as quotable as other such movies as Napoleon Dynamite, Lethal Weapon or whatever else you can think of(I’m dog tired, 12 hour day, ya know?).

The idea behind it all is that Paul Rudd‘s character, Tim, in order to lock up a great promotion has to bring an idiot to a dinner for losers. The most loosierest will win top idiot, and thereby make the guy who brought him the winner.

However, Tim is trying to keep things together with his girlfriend whom he has popped the question to on a number of occasions to be turned down every time. That’s when Barry(Steve Carrel) arrives and infinitely complicates things between Tim and his girlfriend. It all leads up to the actual dinner where things get really out of hand.

I don’t want to give away too much, as there is much more than I’ve taken the time to tell here. Suffice it to say that Dinner For Shmucks is a highly original concept for a formulaic story type, one that Paul Rudd has taken on in previous movies(“I Love You Man”, for instance). It’s worth seeing in the theater. We saw it in a nearly sold out house, and everyone was into it. The director plays to the strengths Carrel has demonstrated so often on “The Office”, that is creating very awkward situations.

Definitely go and see this one.

~ by Daniel Crowder on July 31, 2010.

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