
More often than creating new content, I’m constantly trying to update and reinvent this blog. Problem is that no one will look at it if there is no content. But I guess that if I have a good idea to run under, it will be easy to create interesting content. One of these days I’ll hit the nail on the head…..

Anyway, I figured that if I renamed my blog for what I want the content to look like, it would give me purpose. So, what used to be “Run of the Mill Stuff”, is now Uncommonly Common. I know it really seems like a bad take on Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. But I wanted to relay that idea in my title, but also show that the common sense Paine talked about is not so common these days.

Another idea that I tend to hold close is one that was discussed at length by Friedrek Bastiat, political author durring the second French Revolution in 1850-51. He talked about unseen consequences of hastilly drafted quick-fix laws. In his pamphlet entitled “What is seen and what is not seen”, he discusses the fact that there is a higher probability of the ocurrance of the “law of unintended concequences” when a government ennacts a law that is meant to fix a probem within months, rather that consider something that will not fix everything quickly, but sometimes takes a matter of years or decades to put things where we need them to be. Bastiat treats this subject deftly, considering small scale problems to effectively carry us through his thought process.

So with these new ideas I endeavor to ad my opinion to the hundreds of millions shared in this country today.

~ by Daniel Crowder on September 8, 2009.

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