What Are They Doing? Part II

It’s finaly started to happen. Some schools are starting to serve only diet soda’s, “nutritious juices”, and low-fat milk.

I’m glad that I’m not a student anymore. I also feel sorry for these kids. They only get bitter, unsweetened junk.

My beef with this whole issue lies in the fact that legislators, school administrators, and advocacy groups are just trying fix a problem that is not theirs to fix. Parents are at fault for not teaching children self control. It should be up to the parents to decide whether or not their chilren can drink caffinated, sugarfied high calory crap. On the other side of the road, it should be the school district to decide what they want to put in their school vending machines to make money.

Also, to say that only drinking diet soda, which does not have any calories, will not make you fat, is also untrue. Go into a gas station “kwik mart” and watch who buy diet soda. You’ll observe that whoever buys a diet soda, they also by 2 “milkyways” and a “three musketeer”. Diet soda gives the drinker the impression that they are on some kind of diet, so sometimes you can “reward” yourself with the stuff that does make you fat.

Just leave the kids and their parents to decide what they can and cannot eat.

~ by Daniel Crowder on May 3, 2006.

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